His Grace Orphans Ministry (H-GOM)

The Generation That Fears The Lord To Make the world A Safer place for Children

His Grace Orphans Ministry (H-GOM)

Improve the quality of life of OVC through education, Psycho-social and spiritual support by creating a safer world for Children


  • We believe in providing education, Child Protection, Sustenance, Child Sex Exploitation, Health care to Orphans and poor children in our community to end violence and child abuse by creating a safer place for children
  • To promote meaningful empowerment for children and young people to enable them to gain self-sustaining and developmental lives irrespective of their disadvantaged backgrounds
  • To improve the quality of life of OVC through education, Psycho-social and spiritual support for a better tomorrow
  • To give emotional support, and spiritual guidance to orphans and poor children in our community and outlying areas of Uganda


  • We envisage a society where children and young people are empowered to responsible members of their communities and societies.
  • To improve the standard of living of the people both young and old to eliminate diseases caused by consumption of dirty stagnant water and HIV/AIDS
  • Empowering children by ending violence for a better tomorrow


  • God Fearing
  • Integrity
  • Self-esteem
  • Accountability
  • Learning
  • Honesty

About His Grace Orphans Ministry:

We believe in providing education, protection, sustenance, medical care, emotional support, and spiritual guidance to orphans and poor children in our community and outlaying areas of Uganda.


38% of kids younger than 5 experience nourishment hardship.


38% of the populace is beneath the global destitution line of $1.25 each day.


With a typical pay of $65 every month it is to be expected that over
66% of Ugandans live in unsatisfactory lodging.

Who We Are?

By his trimples we are healed join us and we support our loving Children widows and Orphans are our concerns. Make your donation to this organization for the glory of God.
About Our Non-Profit
Every child– person deserves safety, comfort, food, clothes, and shelter.  Our mission is to improve the quality of life of OVC through education, Psychosocial and spiritual support for a better tomorrow.
How Can I Help?
We accept donations, even if you can only donate $1 it will help us more than you will ever know!

You can also donate via mail such as clothing, supplies, books, pencils, paper, and other items that will help us teach, clothe, and feed the community.

Our Short History & Story
Founder Ssengoba Stephen, knows far to well what life in Uganda is like.  Because of his own struggles and life in this area, he felt inspired by god to help the unfortunate.

While your donation is important, you must know that His Grace Orphanage Ministry, is doing their best to be self sufficient, growing their own food, providing comfort and education with what they currently have.

A little help goes a long way!

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

— Acts 20:35, NIV

Imagine If Your Child Didn’t Have Clean Water

Water is still a big problem for us we need a clean water source and need funds to dig a water well so that we can have clean water pray for us as we work in hand to set up a clear water source for our children and the community.

While it’s tough to even fathom that people don’t have clean drinking water.  It’s easy for us to pretend that this isn’t happening as we sit in our comfortable homes with water on demand.

But it’s a reality for the people in Uganda.  Every day they struggle with the very basic necessities that most of us take for granted.

Poor water quality is a widespread problem, particularly in developing countries. A recent UN agency report indicated that almost one-third of people in developing countries do not have access to clean drinking water. It has been estimated that over 80 percent of diseases in these countries are related to poor water quality.

Your small donation can help provide basic necessities to these poor, tired, and hungry individuals!