How to Get Involved With a Uganda Nonprofit

There are a variety of Uganda Nonprofits that are making an impact. Some focus on specific causes, such as poverty and the environment. You can get involved by joining one of these organizations.

About Uganda Nonprofit Organizations

Other nonprofits help to raise awareness of current issues in Uganda. There are many ways to get involved with an Uganda Nonprofit, and you can get updates on the latest news about the country and nonprofits.


38% of kids younger than 5 experience nourishment hardship.


The health workforce is not keeping up with the population growth, or the epidemiologic changes.


With a typical pay of $65 every month it is to be expected that over
66% of Ugandans live in unsatisfactory lodging.

About H-GOM

One option for NGOs is to form a legal entity in the country. These legal entities can be international organizations. Then they can operate in Uganda with a permit issued by the Uganda Bureau. But there are certain regulations and requirements that must be met before an NPO can become a non-profit. If you want to start a charity in Uganda, it’s important to know the legal requirements for your organization.

About Our Non-Profit

Every child– person deserves safety, comfort, food, clothes, and shelter.  Our mission is to improve the quality of life of OVC through education, Psychosocial and spiritual support for a better tomorrow.

How Can I Help?

We accept donations, even if you can only donate $1 it will help us more than you will ever know!

You can also donate via mail such as clothing, supplies, books, pencils, paper, and other items that will help us teach, clothe, and feed the community.

Our Short History & Story

Founder Ssengoba Stephen, knows far to well what life in Uganda is like.  Because of his own struggles and life in this area, he felt inspired by god to help the unfortunate.

While your donation is important, you must know that His Grace Orphanage Ministry, is doing their best to be self sufficient, growing their own food, providing comfort and education with what they currently have.

A little help goes a long way!  

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

— Acts 20:35, NIV

How to Donate to His Grace Orphans Ministry

Donating to His Grace Orphans Ministry is a great way to make a difference in the lives of those in need. The growing level of poverty is alarming and even a small donation can make a world of difference to someone in need. There are hundreds of nonprofit organizations out there and a single dollar can make a big difference in someone’s life. No matter what your reasons are for making a donation, the bottom line is that a nonprofit will always benefit those in need.

Charitable donations are tax-deductible for individuals who make them. A simple search on the IRS website will show you which nonprofit organizations qualify as tax-exempt organizations. These organizations use donations to promote their programs and accomplish their missions. A monetary donation to your favorite nonprofit organization will ensure that much-needed programs will continue to operate and grow.